
Restaurant day - K50

Yesterday we took part at this thing called "restaurant day". As I am too lazy to find a nice description for it myself (haha) I just quoted this from their website :
"Restaurant Day is a one-day carnival in favor of restaurant and food culture.
On Restaurant Day anyone can set up a restaurant, café or a bar for a day. It can be anywhere: at your home, at the office, on a street corner, in your garden or inner courtyard, at a park, or on the beach – only your imagination is the limit."

This funky thing is a recent (1 year old !) Finnish initiative and it has actually been listen by the CNN as one of the weirdest ways to eat in the world. (pff I know weirder ways). So I picked this thing up at a forum for Finnish people in Belgium and signed up right away ! It was held by a Finnish-Belgian couple at their house, at the inside yard. Gorgeous.
I had no idea what to expect or if to expect anything for that matter. We went in, we saw a long table with some people already tasting wine. We were warmly welcomed by the host Stephane and his girlfriend Stiina to eat their delicious cooking and enjoy (a lot of) good wine.

We had a blast. Honestly, the food was awesome, the company was great (we met this other young couple and we hit it off right away), the weather was amazing (we sat straight in the sun) and I got to speak Finnish again !

I would sign up immediately again ! And the good news is, it happens every 3 months and even YOU can do it ! (if you are interested I'm sure you can find more information on the website I already linked above)

Wow, the weatherman just said it will be all week warm and even 25 degrees by Friday !! Well didn't that just make my day even better :-)

Veal tongue

entrecôte mm

Cheese, not the stinky kind!

Small portion but heavenly


  1. Voi mie en kerinny osallistuu ravintolapäivään! Tääl Lahessakin niitä jopa ois ollut. Tossa lähipuistossakin ois ollut taco ravintola.

    1. Mmm tacoja, nami nami! Mutta sehän on kolmen kuukauden välein niin sinne heti ensi kerralla! Ihan mielettömän hauskaa. :-) Tai mikset itse avaa omaa ravintolaa?
      Ja sitä jopa voi eksyä maistelemaan juttuja mitä ei normaalisti söisi. Me rakastuttiin tohon juustoon,mmm.


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