
Mmm brunch

Brunch? What is that? Well that's according to wikipedia a meal that is eaten in the middle of the morning between breakfast and lunch. Well I'm a strong believer that any reason is a good reason to eat and since they made up a whole name for that extra eating hour, then why not take advantage of it? :-)

I was invited by a good friend of mine to come have brunch at Diamonds & Pearls in Antwerpen for a spot price of 9 euros ! She had a coupon from a girly magazine and wished to use it with someone special (I like to believe I was the first choice ;-). The actual price was 21 euros, so of course that is a bargain one just can't miss. 

I was so hungry already!

The place was in a little deserted street but it didn't take us long to find it. It was so small but so gorgeous. See the old Belgian style fire place behind me, lovely flowers and for our little tête-à-tête with Maite they had put all the candles on (it was 12:30 in the afternoon!).  
It was a buffet style brunch with little breads, croissants, pastries, yogurt (totally missed it), potato salad, Italian salad (the Finns will know what I mean by that), pasta salad with tuna, cucumber slices with brie (cheese) on it (DELICIOUS), tomatoes, scrambled eggs, cheese, salami, ham, jams, boiled eggs and french cheeses. Getting hungry anyone? 
Getting hungry?

But of course it all started with a glass of bubbly! (look who is happy :-D ). Afterwards we got served some tea and orange juice. Mm.

For dessert they had promised fresh fruit (yep) and a choice between a cherry pie and an apple pie... hmm.. I only saw apple pie, but since I looove apple pie (with some ice cream and whipped cream of course more but ok ;-).
Obviously I hadn't taken my piece(s) yet ;)

Afterwards we were two fullllll girls who might as well have been rolled outside cuz we so enjoyed that open buffet and ate like 1,5h in there. Yep, we love food. ^___^


  1. nice way to enjoy saturday! by that time i was just getting out of my bed ;)

  2. Oo, upea paikka! Ei yhtään huonompi startti päivälle tämä ;)! Hei musitahan pistää blogi myös blogilistalle ja blogloviniin! Löytää sitten ihan vierahatkin ihmiset tän helpommin.

  3. Take me next time! Wil oooook

    1. You and me volgende keer dan ;-) Jij was er niet hé, jij had mij helemaal alleeeeen gelaten dus moest ik wel met iemand anders iets gaan doen ;-)


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